Friday, August 30, 2013

in the beginning was creativity

creativity: noun, the use of the imagination or original ideas, esp. in the production of an artistic work

we're created in the image of God, and God is creative  so we are creative beings... some of us are just addicted to creating new things, it's the air we breath, a therapeutic practice without which we can't survive or thrive...

the enemy of creativity is fear, when i'm afraid that what i will make, what i will write, the photo i will take will not be "good enough" then i won't get started and my "piece of art" won't see the light, surrendering with this fear means that i've just killed an embryo... abortion of art should be illegal...

so on this blog i try to share my passion about many things but mainly writing (in English and Arabic), cooking, crafts, and photography... it's an attempt to overcome my fear, and it's a long list if you ask me what i'm afraid of, well, the three main fears that have been consuming me recently are the fear of failure, the fear of loneliness, and the fear of the future... that's why i turn to this blog for help, it's helping me re-construct my life, a fear-free life... one block at a time...

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