Iraq - Mosul - Christian families
Egypt - 21 - Border guards
Palestine - Gaza - 2014 - Bloodiest day
Syria - Raqqah - Stoning to death
Netherlands - MH17
I recognize no difference... humanity failed... faces of victims everywhere looking at us... a long gaze full of why's... they speak to us...
I'm a soldier, a fresh graduate from med school, with high honors, I'm an OB, all I wanted to do is help bring babies to this life, bring life... help women... get married... have kids of my own... I was on duty, one year of army service... I got killed... humanity failed me
I'm a boy, playing on the beach with my friends, certain propaganda says I was going to grow up and become a terrorist... but this is my beach, my land, my right to live... I got killed... humanity failed me
I'm a girl, walking and walking and walking... "why did we leave home Mama?"... "where are we now?"... "I'm hungry Mama, I want my toys, my church, my city"... why are these people around me getting killed?... who let these people take our home?... I'm lost in the unknown future in the middle of nowhere... humanity failed me
We're a couple... going on vacation... we have big plans for our summer... we got killed... humanity failed us
I'm a woman... accused of something I did or didn't do... sentenced to death... if death comes in different tastes then here's one of the ugliest options... one stone after the other... I got killed... humanity failed me
ENOUGH bloodshed.... there's no difference... religion, color, nationality, occupation, age, dreams, family, friends, past, future.... we all have different lives but we share one right... THE RIGHT TO LIVE... I recognize no difference... we're all the same... THESE are all the same... each and every life is precious...
move from the why to the what... ask yourself WHAT can I do? what SHOULD I do when humanity fails?
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